Support for Parents & Families
Having a baby on a neonatal unit can be a difficult and confusing time. This was probably not how you imagined things would be, whether this is your first experience of being parents, or whether you have other children to think about and care for. It may also mean that your family needs to adjust their expectations, roles, and daily lives. This disruption is almost always stressful, and distress can be a natural response. It is perfectly normal to experience periods of stress, worry, frustration, numbness, low mood and anxiety during this time.
If you are currently on the neonatal unit and are feeling concerned about how you are coping please talk to your healthcare team, they will be able to help you in finding the right support for you. You can also find links to many of the local and national support groups available to you in pages below.
South West Support Groups & Charities
National Support Groups & Charities
Palliative Care & Bereavement Support
Accessing Talking Therapies
Maternity & Neonatal Independent Senior Advocates